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Charlie Chaplin

“I had no idea of the character. But the moment I was dressed the clothes and the make-up made me feel the person he was. I began to know him and by the time I walked onto the stage he was fully born.”

Carlie Chaplin
Actor Charlie Chaplin

Do you know who is this “Charlie Chaplin” ?

From elder one to child, everyone knows about this name. because he is a world famous character. In which reason he is famous? Let’s see why is that…

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin

“ Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin ” or “ Charlie Chaplin ” was a English comic actor, Film maker and Composer. He was famous in the era of “ Silent Films ”. “ Sir Charles ” was born in 16th of April 1889. His family was very poor and had hardship. Without his father, “ Charlies ” mother struggled to earn for them. Before the age of nine, “ Charlie Chaplin ” was sent to a workhouse. When he was 14 years, “ Charlie Chaplin ” mother was committed with mental asylum. Then his young age he had to performed in music halls and later worked as a stage actor and a comedian. “ Charlie ” was signed to the prestigious “ Fed Karno ” company in his 19th age which took him to “ America ”.  He scored an immediate hit with “ American ” audience.  “ Chaplin ” was offered a motion picture contract. Then finally he agreed to appear before the cameras at the expiration of his vaudeville commitments. It was on month of November 1913. “ Charlie ” entered to the “ Cinema World ” took place that month when he joined “ Mack Sennett ” and the “ Keystone Film Company ”. His initial salary was $150 a week. When “ Charlie’s ” contracts with mutual expired in 1917, he was decided to become an independent producer. His first film under this new deal was “ A Dog’s Life ”. “ Charlie ” turned his attention to a national tour on behalf of the war effort, following which he made a film the “ USA ” government used to popularize the liberty loaned drive “ The Bond ”.

A Dog’s Life

 “ Charlie ” controlled every aspects of his pictures and it is that mix of  “ Ebullience ” as well as the ability to “ Intellectualize ” his own movies that is one of the hallmarks of his extraordinary success. He states that he does not feel “ Satisfaction ” from his work. But that he gets “ Relief ”, audience members who have enjoyed him. For decades who will recognized that quality in his performances. It is not only that “ Charlie ” is so funny or so specific. It is that he seems to be experiencing some kind of personal release through the whole enterprise.

Charlie Chaplin Acting

But when we are looking at his life of film industry he is the one of most iconic representation of “ Silent Cinema ”. “ Chaplin ” refused for adopt audio and dialogue for a long time. Even though sound technology in the film industry was becoming increasingly popular. He continued with his own ideas of “ Cinema ”. In 1937, Disney released “ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ”, it is first feature length animated movie. “ Walter Disney ” was unsure about how well the movie would do but “ Chaplin ” reportedly encouraged the filmmaker to completed and distributed “ Snow White ”. the two became business associates and “ Chaplin ” played an important role in the spread of “ Disney ” name.

 “ Chaplin ” was true artist. He was created a total-effect art experience for the viewer. In 1919 he founded united artists. Giving him compel film control, from directing to scriptwriting, acting and cinematography. His totality in thinking about cinema comedy and performance was before its time. He conveying of a dualistic character like the innocent fool and humble workman that presented a stylized view of attitudes of the time. In 1918 he wrote about his character like this. “Even funnier than the man  who having had something funny happen to him. It refuses to admit that anything out of the way has happened and attempt to maintain his dignity”.

Sir Charles Spenser Chaplin in Old age

In fact that “ Charlie Chaplin ” was the reason he was picked out. “ Chaplin ” had been living in America for nearly 40 years when senator “ Joseph McCarthy ‘s ” house. Un American activities committed took aim at him.  He was put on an FBI black list in 1948. Which was prevented him from working in “ Hollywood ”. he told that to McCarthy’s committee “I don’t want to create any revolution. All I want to create is a few more films. I might amuse people. I hope so”. In autumn of 1952 “ Charlie ” set sail on the queen “ Elizabeth ” with his wife and four children. He was heading for Britain for a holiday on 19th September. There was a word come through that if  “ Charlie ” return to “ America ” he would be arrested. He got the message and stay away. “I wouldn’t go back there even if Jesus Christ were the president” he said. He lived in USA for almost 40 years but “ Charlie ” were not became an American Citizen. “ Chaplin ” decided to uproot his family to “ Switzerland ”. he would visit the “ United States ” only one more time in 1972 to accept an honorary “ Academy Award ”. It was his first “ Oscar ” and a star on the walk of fame.

Charlie Chaplin at Oscar
Charlie Chaplin walk of Fame

 “ Charlie Chaplin ” was also a composer and having written and published many songs among them. Some are “Sing a song, With you dear in Bombay” and “There is always one you can’t forget, Smile, Eternally, You are my song”. As well as the soundtracks for all his films.  “ Sir Charles Chaplin ” was died on Christmas day in 1977. Survived by eight children from his last marriage “ Oona O, Neil ” and one son from his short marriage to “ Lita Grey ”.

“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up but a comedy in long-shot”
-Charlie Chaplin-

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